oCd Texture Pack 1.18.2 → 1.14
oCd texture pack is a cartoon Minecraft resource pack that was made by FVDisco and is continually developed by AntonLandaoALVQ, after the owner's disappearance.

Description about oCd Texture Pack
oCd Texture Pack: Best Pixelate Simplistic Resource Pack
oCd texture pack is a cartoon Minecraft resource pack that was made by FVDisco a long time ago and is continually developed by AntonLandaoALVQ, after the owner's disappearance. With over 450,000 downloads, oCd Resource Packs satisfies many Minecraft players with its unique texture and smooth experience throughout the entire game.

With Minecraft oCd Texture Pack installed, the world now looks more simplistic, while every block just looks like they’re drawn by hand with just a few pixels and colors. In addition, most blocks in Minecraft oCd Pack only contain two colors. This new technique makes the in-game block cleaner and has coherent edges.
You know that oCd Minecraft texture pack was made way back in 2017, and the main purpose of this texture pack is to make the game more beautiful. Indeed, it may not look good now or compared to other texture packs, but still, oCd resource pack remains the uniqueness with like none other. The color is super simple and the pixels in the texture are quite symmetrical. You can see the demonstration of this effect clearest at ore blocks.

oCd Minecraft Resource Pack support two resolution, which is 16x16 and 32x32. Different than vanilla Minecraft which only has a 16x16 resolution, oCd provides another option if you want to see the Minecraft world under a better lens, but still can keep it simple and straight to the point. With simple texture, it’s amazing that oCd pack can create a 3D effect for special blocks like dripstone, flowers, grass, and much more!
Another great advantage of oCd texture pack is that it consumes less resources. This results in higher FPS and smoother performance overall, to create the best experience if you have a potato computer. And the acquirements you receive will be brought to another level with Optifine installed for sure!

If you love other blocks survival games like Terraria, you can find the same points between that game and oCd texture pack, especially if you view the world from behind or side to side. oCd pack is also constantly being updated so you can download oCd texture pack 1.18 for now, and hopefully, the new version for Minecraft 1.19 update will be out soon!
How to install oCd Texture Pack
- Search for Minecraft resource packs or texture packs on our website and download it. The result should be a zip file.
- Press Window + R to open a Run dialog, type in %appdata% then press Enter.
- Navigate to the .minecraft folder, then the resourcepacks
- Move the zip file you’ve downloaded earlier here. Finish installation
Download oCd Texture Pack
Compatible Version
1.18.2 - 1.18.1 - 1.18 - 1.17.1 - 1.17 - 1.16.5 - 1.16.4 - 1.16.3 - 1.16.2 - 1.16.1 - 1.16 - 1.15.2 -1.15.1 - 1.15 - 1.14.4 - 1.14.3 - 1.14.2 - 1.14.1 - 1.14