Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack 1.18.1
Vanilla Tweaks Resource Packs contain many tweaks to significantly improve your vanilla Minecraft texture pack without any effort. It's totally free to use!

Description about Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack
Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack: Improve Minecraft Look with Tweaks
Vanilla Tweaks is a famous Minecraft library where you can select any tweak parts to significantly improve your vanilla experience in Minecraft. Vanilla Tweaks Minecraft has three big categories which are resource packs, data packs, and crafting tweaks. Each category contains its own tweak which you can choose, preview, download, and easily install on your Minecraft world or server without any cost and effort.
The Crafting Tweaks add several recipes to improve the quality of life in Minecraft, the Datapacks tweaks add a bunch of game-changer rules to keep your gameplay easier, and the Resource Packs add a lot of tweaks to the Minecraft default texture pack to outstandingly enhance the look of the world.
Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack has 18 categories in total. They either modify the texture pack by improving the aesthetic or adding more variations to the current texture. Vanilla Tweaks texture pack also can affect the HUD and GUI so you can fully customize your game with a few simple steps.
Talk about Vanilla Tweaks Java aesthetic category, where it makes the texture look more realistic and make sense like changing the stem color of pumpkin and melon, modifying the texture of dyes so they look unique, or even changing how your elytra look! The terrain category on another hand is focusing on the world generation. You can make the leaves block look better and wave in the wind, making the sun, moon, and log rounder.
Another cool feature of the Vanilla Tweaks pack is the variation and connected textures category. The variation category adds a lot of new block texture to the game, making it randomly generated so you see the world is much more natural. You can also reduce the sound of any annoying mobs by using peace and quiet category tweak. They can reduce the sound of cows, enderman, ghasts, villagers, nether portals, and a lot more!
If you want even more realism in your world, try out 3D category tweaks, where you can literally make any blocks and entities 3D like the sun and moon, the doors, rails, ladders, bookshelves, chains, and a lot more! Vanilla Tweaks resource packs also have some tweaks for the dark mode players. Remember to check out the GUI and HUD category for that! And if you want to bring some old texture pack back, check out the retro category.
And that’s it, Vanilla Tweaks Resource Packs has many more options and tweaks for you. Just make sure to pick out the best tweaks for you and not install so many tweaks since it may affect your gameplay a lot. Have fun playing with Vanilla Tweaks!
How to install Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack
- Search for Minecraft resource packs or texture packs on our website and download it. The result should be a zip file.
- Press Window + R to open a Run dialog, type in %appdata% then press Enter.
- Navigate to the .minecraft folder, then the resourcepacks
- Move the zip file you’ve downloaded earlier here. Finish installation