AutoRegLib Mod 1.18.2 → 1.12.2
AutoRegLib (Auto Register Library) is a simple Minecraft mod library created by Vazkii in late 2016 to remove the redundancies when coding Minecraft mods.

Description about AutoRegLib Mod
AutoRegLib: Essential Minecraft Mod Library for Optimization
AutoRegLib (aka Auto Register Library) is a simple Minecraft mod library created by Vazkii in late 2016. With over 100 million downloads, AutoRegLib mod helps many developers and modders to remove the redundancies when coding Minecraft mods. Specifically, Auto Reg Lib automates almost annoying parts when modding like register items, models, blocks, or textures.
Minecraft AutoRegLib does not add anything news like custom blocks, items, or creatures in your game, but instead, it supports other mods to run smoothly by storing information and registrations of the data into a single file. This does not only help the mods when they’re running but also helps the modder save a lot of time! Some famous Minecraft mods that use AutoRegLib Minecraft like Quark, Psi, Morph-o-Tool, and Akashic Tome. To install Auto RegLib, you will first need to install Forge Mod Loader and Minecraft version greater than 1.10.2.

Mods that use this:
- Quark
- Psi
- Morph-o-Tool
- Akashic Tome
- Potion Fingers
Note: Need to install more required mods to use the best Mods, all must use the same version
How to install AutoRegLib Mod
- Make sure you have Forge Mod installed
- Search and download any mod you like on our website.
- You will get the .jar file after downloading, copy the file.
- Press Window + R, type %appdata%, press Enter.
- Navigate to the .minecraft folder, then to the mods If you don't have a mods folder, create one, paste the .jar file inside the mods folder
Download AutoRegLib Mod
Compatible Version
1.18.2 - 1.18.1 - 1.18 - 1.16.5 - 1.16.4 - 1.16.3 - 1.12.2